Acquainted With the Divine

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

Publication Date: October, 2018

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Genesis: This challenge was to follow closely in the footsteps of Robert Frost by writing a poem inspired by “Acquainted With the Night”. We were asked to retain the first two words of the title, as well as the rhyming scheme and the iambic pentameter. It was tough to get into the flow of a rhyming scheme that goes unevenly across verses, somehow. It was also quite daunting, tangling with one of the all-time greats. It took me a long time to get this one ‘right’ (whatever that means).

 All things are connected in Time and Space.
 I sense this deeply when I lie in bed –
 I see the Cosmic fabric interlace.
 God’s not a bearded man with halo’d head;
 God’s not part jackal, elephant or dog;
 God takes whatever form your teacher said!
 Divine’s a vibration - cuts through the fog
 Of holy books that just serve to divide,
 Trapping the blinded in an ancient bog.
 We all arrived here, so we all decide
 Whether to acknowledge the Spark within,
 Nurture the Divine Light that shines inside
 This suit of bones and organs, flesh and skin.
 My Divine’s eternal, and without sin. 

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